Reloved furniture & interiors

Do you want to surprise a loved one with a unique and lasting present?

Do you have a specific look in mind, but you’ve spent countless hours trying in vain to find it in furniture stores?

Do you want to rescue an old piece of furniture and give it a new place in your home?

Or are you still in love with an old armchair that’s been passed down from generation to generation and is starting to show its age?

These pieces are special, most often skilfully manufactured and can’t be found anywhere else. So why on earth would anyone let them perish under the burden of time?

Bring it over for a modern makeover with a look tailored to your wishes. Contact me at and we’ll get started!

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    Contact me:

    Need more than just one Cup of Tea or have other wishes? You can contact me at Cross my heart I’ll reply soon.

    Mobile: +386 (31) 816 852

    Adress: CUP OF TEA d.o.o., Verstovškova ulica 4, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia