The first lamps were made of blown concrete. The material was light, easy to process, non-combustible and had an interesting texture.
Today, most of her orders are for hanging lamps. The process of making them has changed a bit, and the material used is also different. Todays materials are mostly a mineral mixture, which in terms of properties (transparency, hardness) resemble porcelain. You can choose a hand-made Lučkabučka lamp from two existing collections or order a unique lamp to fit your space perfectly. She is also available for consulting and light design.
Handmade Lučkabučka lamps can be admired in various locations around Slovenia. Lučka made two large lanterns for the Krištof resort, which in their shape resemble the two halves of a broken egg (a lantern for the dining room, where dishes made from local ingredients, including eggs are served). For the Jasna Chalet resort, she gathered the wooden components from a nearby Pišnica river, then followed the natural forms of the material and incorporated it into the lamp. Lučka describes: “I am most happy to be in direct contact with clients and families, and the nicest compliment I got, was from a client who said, that she is excited for her evenings at home, when she turns on the light and plunges into a soft, warm and pleasant atmosphere.”